www.youtube.com A を問い合せた。
$ dig -t a www.youtube.com @ ; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.5-Ubuntu <<>> -t a www.youtube.com @ ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 39957 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 17, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1452 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.youtube.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.youtube.com. 86400 IN CNAME youtube-ui.l.google.com. youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A youtube-ui.l.google.com. 300 IN A ;; Query time: 1818 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed Oct 07 21:10:58 JST 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 654
1. log
[plan] plan 'www.youtube.com.' type 'A' [plan] plan 'j.root-servers.net.' type 'AAAA' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: '.' m12n: 'NEt.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'net.' m12n: 'ROOt-sERVERS.nET.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '2001:503:ba3e::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'J.ROoT-SErVeRs.NeT.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'J.ROoT-SErVeRs.NeT.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:503:ba3e::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOT-SErvers.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOT-SErvers.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => querying: '2001:503:c27::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOt-sERverS.nEt.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOt-sERverS.nEt.' type: 'AAAA' [plan] plan 'www.youtube.com.' type 'A' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: '.' m12n: 'CoM.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '2001:503:a83e::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'yoUtUbE.com.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'yoUtUbE.com.' type: 'NS' [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:503:c27::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.ROot-sErvers.NeT.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.ROot-sErvers.NeT.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => querying: '2001:500:84::b' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rooT-sERvErS.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rooT-sERvErS.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:503:a83e::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'YoutuBE.COm.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'YoutuBE.COm.' type: 'NS' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'youtubE.coM.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'youtube.com.' m12n: 'WWw.yoUTUbE.cOM.' type: 'A' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [iter] <= cname chain, following [plan] plan 'youtube-ui.l.google.com.' type 'A' [resl] => querying: '2001:503:231d::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'GOoGlE.Com.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'GOoGlE.Com.' type: 'NS' [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:500:84::b' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.ROOT-SErVeRs.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.ROOT-SErVeRs.net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => querying: '2001:500:2::c' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOT-serVERs.Net.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.rOOT-serVERs.Net.' type: 'AAAA' [plan] plan 'www.youtube.com.' type 'A' [ rc ] => satisfied from cache [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [iter] <= cname chain, following [plan] plan 'youtube-ui.l.google.com.' type 'A' [resl] => querying: '2001:503:231d::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'gOoGlE.CoM.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'gOoGlE.CoM.' type: 'NS' [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:503:231d::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'gOOGLe.COM.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'gOOGLe.COM.' type: 'NS' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'GoOGle.cOM.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'google.com.' m12n: 'L.GOoglE.COm.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [iter] <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'google.com.' m12n: 'youTUbE-UI.L.GoOGLe.coM.' type: 'A' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [resl] finished: 4, queries: 2, mempool: 32784 B [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:500:2::c' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.root-ServERs.NEt.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'j.root-ServERs.NEt.' type: 'AAAA' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'root-servers.net.' m12n: 'J.roOt-SErvErs.Net.' type: 'AAAA' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [ rc ] => satisfied from cache [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [iter] <= cname chain, following [plan] plan 'youtube-ui.l.google.com.' type 'A' [ rc ] => satisfied from cache [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [resl] finished: 4, queries: 3, mempool: 32784 B [resl] => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP [resl] => querying: '2001:503:231d::2:30' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'GOoglE.cOM.' type: 'NS' [resl] optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'GOoglE.cOM.' type: 'NS' [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'com.' m12n: 'goOgle.Com.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= referral response, follow [resl] => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'google.com.' m12n: 'l.GOogLe.cOm.' type: 'NS' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [iter] <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name [resl] => querying: '' score: 91 zone cut: 'google.com.' m12n: 'YoUtuBE-ui.l.GOOgle.Com.' type: 'A' [iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [resl] finished: 4, queries: 2, mempool: 16392 B