1. DNS/誤解/5Myths


2. いつつの誤解


From the boardroom to IT and the end user, the Domain Name System is often misunderstood, which can leave organizations vulnerable to attacks.

Myth 1: DNS Is not a Boardroom Issue (会社運営の話題ではない)

A better approach is for legal and technology teams to collaborate to insure that all the domains that are properly registered have policies, procedures, and tools in place to protect them.

Myth 2: DNS Drives on Auto-Pilot (自動運転できるのでしょ)

Today, DNS security is essential for protecting against cyberattacks.

Myth 3: DNS Is not a Security Issue (セキュリティには関係ない)

Myth 4: DNS-Related Risks Are Small (DNSのリスクは小さい)

Today DNS is integral to online criminal infrastructures.

Myth 5: DNS=Translating Names to Numbers (DNSは名前を数に変換するだけ)



-- ToshinoriMaeno 2017-03-18 11:56:13