


はい。複数のホストゾーンを作成すると、DNS 設定を「テスト」環境で検証し、「本番稼働用」ホストゾーンで設定を複製できます。

たとえば、ホストゾーン Z1234 は example.com のテストバージョンで、ネームサーバー ns-1、ns-2、ns-3、ns-4 でホストされるとします。同様に、ホストゾーン Z5678 は example.com の本番稼働用バージョンで、ns-5、ns-6、ns-7、ns-8 でホストされるとします。

各ホストゾーンには、そのゾーンに関連するネームサーバーの仮想セットがあるため、Route 53 は DNS クエリの送信先ネームサーバーに応じて、別々に example.com の DNS クエリに応答します。

異なるアカウントで同一のドメイン名(ホストゾーン)を使うのはだめらしい。 -- ToshinoriMaeno 2019-05-22 09:41:28

Preventing Traffic from Being Routed to Your Domain https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DeleteHostedZone.html

If you want to keep your domain registration but you want to stop routing internet traffic to your website or web application, we recommend that you delete records in the hosted zone instead of deleting the hosted zone.


If you delete a hosted zone, you can't undelete it. You must create a new hosted zone and update the name servers for your domain registration, which can require up to 48 hours to take effect. (If you delegated responsibility for a subdomain to a hosted zone and you delete the child hosted zone, you must update the name servers in the parent hosted zone.) In addition, if you delete a hosted zone, someone could hijack the domain and route traffic to their own resources using your domain name.

Using the Route 53 Console to Delete a Public Hosted Zone

6. If you want to make the domain unavailable on the internet, we recommend that you transfer DNS service to a free DNS service and then delete the Route 53 hosted zone. This prevents future DNS queries from possibly being misrouted.

If the domain is registered with Route 53, see Adding or Changing Name Servers and Glue Records for a Domain for information about how to replace Route 53 name servers with name servers for the new DNS service. If the domain is registered with another registrar, use the method provided by the registrar to change name servers for the domain.