1. DNS/qname-minimisation/broken_CDN

Query name minimization and authoritative DNS server behavior

DNS-OARC 2015 Spring Workshop, Amsterdam, NetherlandsMay 9th 2015


Cloudflare is aware of this defect and plans to fix it in the near future.
Update: April 2015 from Cloudflare. The problem has been fixed.


elb.amazonaws\.com (NS) queryの結果ですね。

調べ直してみたら、NXDOMAIN 返答はしなくなっている。いつからか。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2018-08-27 13:31:53

1.1. debian

Re: DNS Qname minimisation https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2016/03/msg00044.html

There are serious potential operation issues with Qname minimization.

-- ToshinoriMaeno 2017-06-11 04:48:38

akamai, awsdns, cloudflare などがあげられていたが、現在は修正されたようだ。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2018-08-27 13:08:19

There is a workaround available for the broken-CDN issue: on the first
NXDOMAIN reply from an intermediary (Qname minimized) query, you disable
Qname minimization entirely and do the full query.  This opens up Qname
minimization to attacks that "disable it" by triggering this workaround
and forcing a full query.

Worse, if this workaround is the only way for a future DNS application
to signal Qname minimization resolvers to query the full name on a deep
chain (see below), it *will* get used (and/or abused) for that,
effectively redefining what NXDOMAIN means in practice, and not in a
helpful way.  This is not a good thing for DNS operations and future
scalability, at all.

IPv6 reverse-zone では amplificationの心配がある。(deep-chain issue)

Shumon Huque, Verisign Labs
DNS-OARC 2015 Spring Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 9th 2015

Query name minimization and authoritative DNS server behavior
