
How to implement a DNSCurve cache より

If a normal DNS response packet is larger than 512 bytes then the server replaces it by an explicitly truncated packet. The client then tries again through TCP. Servers are not required to support TCP if no responses are above 512 bytes; clients are permitted to try TCP only if the server has explicitly indicated truncation.

DNSCurve does not require TCP support from servers that were not already supporting TCP. If the original DNS response packet is at most 512 bytes then the server is permitted to send the expanded response packet as a UDP packet. DNSCurve clients are required to set aside a 4096-byte buffer for receiving a UDP response packet.

If the original DNS response packet is above 512 bytes then it is replaced by an explicitly truncated packet and the truncated packet is protected by DNSCurve. In this case the client tries again by TCP, sending its DNSCurve query packet through TCP and receiving the DNSCurve response through TCP.

TCP is considerably more expensive for clients and servers than UDP is, and TCP has no protection against denial of service, so server administrators are advised to stay below 512 bytes if possible. DNSCurve adds some denial-of-service protection for UDP but cannot do anything to help TCP. 

Dempsky さんのdnscache patch は上のような実装になっているはず。 -- ToshinoriMaeno 2011-04-25 08:08:36