
1. What is a bulk sender?

A bulk sender is any email sender that sends close to 5,000 or more messages 
to "personal Gmail accounts" within a 24-hour period. 

Messages sent from the same primary domain count toward the 5,000 limit.

primary domain : 定義はないが、以下の例から推測する。

2. Sending domains:

When we calculate the 5,000-message limit, we count all messages sent from the same primary domain.

For example, every day you send 2,500 messages from and 2,500 messages from to personal Gmail accounts. You’re considered a bulk sender because all 5,000 messages were sent from the same primary domain: Learn about domain name basics.

Senders who meet the above criteria at least once are permanently considered bulk senders.

Does bulk sender status expire? Can I change my sending practices to remove my bulk sender status?

3. history

Do the sender guidelines apply to messages sent from Google Workspace accounts?

All senders, including Google Workspace users, must meet the requirements in our Email sender guidelines when sending messages to personal Gmail accounts.

The requirements don’t apply to Google Workspace inbound and intra-domain messages.

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MoinQ: Gmail/Email sender guidelines/Bulk senders (last edited 2024-01-31 00:12:02 by ToshinoriMaeno)