
%drill -help

drill version 1.6.10 (ldns version 1.6.10)
Written by NLnet Labs.

Copyright (c) 2004-2008 NLnet Labs.
Licensed under the revised BSD license.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
  Usage: drill name [@server] [type] [class]
        <name>  can be a domain name or an IP address (-x lookups)
        <type>  defaults to A
        <class> defaults to IN

        arguments may be placed in random order

        -D              enable DNSSEC (DO bit)
        -T              trace from the root down to <name>
        -S              chase signature(s) from <name> to a know key [*]
        -V <number>     verbosity (0-5)
        -Q              quiet mode (overrules -V)

        -f file         read packet from file and send it
        -i file         read packet from file and print it
        -w file         write answer packet to file
        -q file         write query packet to file
        -h              show this help
        -v              show version

  Query options:
        -4              stay on ip4
        -6              stay on ip6
        -a              fallback to EDNS0 and TCP if the answer is truncated
        -b <bufsize>    use <bufsize> as the buffer size (defaults to 512 b)
        -c <file>               use file for rescursive nameserver configuration (/etc/resolv.conf)
        -k <file>       specify a file that contains a trusted DNSSEC key (DNSKEY|DS) [**]
                        used to verify any signatures in the current answer
        -o <mnemonic>   set flags to: [QR|qr][AA|aa][TC|tc][RD|rd][CD|cd][RA|ra][AD|ad]
                        lowercase: unset bit, uppercase: set bit
        -p <port>       use <port> as remote port number
        -s              show the DS RR for each key in a packet
        -u              send the query with udp (the default)
        -x              do a reverse lookup
        when doing a secure trace:
        -r <file>               use file as root servers hint file
        -t              send the query with tcp (connected)
        -d <domain>             use domain as the start point for the trace
        -y <name:key[:algo]>    specify named base64 tsig key, and optional an
                        algorithm (defaults to hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int)
        -z              don't randomize the nameservers before use

  [*] = enables/implies DNSSEC
  [**] = can be given more than once

  ldns-team@nlnetlabs.nl | http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/ldns/

IPv6だけで到達できた。 (時間がかかるので注意)

%drill -6 -T m6.qmail.jp aaaa

jp.     172800  IN      NS      d.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      a.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      f.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      g.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      e.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      c.dns.jp.
jp.     172800  IN      NS      b.dns.jp.
qmail.jp.       86400   IN      NS      a.ns.qmail.jp.