1. DNS/サービス業者/route53

lame delegation は危ない業者



-- ToshinoriMaeno 2012-04-26 15:12:48

1.1. Deleting a public hosted zone


Preventing traffic from being routed to your domain

If you want to keep your domain registration but you want to stop routing internet traffic to your website or web application, we recommend that you delete records in the hosted zone instead of deleting the hosted zone.


If you delete a hosted zone, you can't undelete it. 
You must create a new hosted zone and update the name servers for your domain registration, 
which can require up to 48 hours to take effect. 

In addition, if you delete a hosted zone, someone could hijack the domain and route traffic to their own resources using your domain name.

If you delegated responsibility for a subdomain to a hosted zone and you want to delete the child hosted zone, you must also update the parent hosted zone by deleting the NS record that has the same name as the child hosted zone. For example, if you want to delete the hosted zone acme.example.com, you must also delete the NS record acme.example.com in the example.com hosted zone. We recommend that you delete the NS record first, and wait for the duration of the TTL on the NS record before you delete the child hosted zone. This ensures that someone can't hijack the child hosted zone during the period that DNS resolvers still have the name servers for the child hosted zone cached.

1.2. 参考訳




更新が有効になるには、最大 48 時間かかることがあります。

サブドメインの責任をホストゾーンに委任し、子ホストゾーンを削除する場合は、子ホストゾーンと同じ名前の NS レコードを削除して、親ホストゾーンも更新する必要があります。 例えば、ホストゾーン acme.example.com を削除する場合は、example.com ホストゾーンの NS レコード acme.example.com も削除する必要があります。 最初に NS レコードを削除し、NS レコードの TTL が経過するまで待ってから、子ホストゾーンを削除することをお勧めします。 これにより、子ホストゾーンのネームサーバーがまだ DNS リゾルバーにキャッシュされている間に、子ホストゾーンのハイジャックを防止できます。

MoinQ: DNS/サービス業者/route53 (last edited 2023-01-05 12:36:19 by ToshinoriMaeno)