
CNAME の扱いが分かる例: CNAMEの先を引き直している。

$ dig -t a www.yanagi.ne.jp @127.0.03

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.5-Ubuntu <<>> -t a www.yanagi.ne.jp @127.0.03
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 62933
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1452
;www.yanagi.ne.jp.              IN      A

www.yanagi.ne.jp.       3600    IN      CNAME   mail.yanagi.ne.jp.
mail.yanagi.ne.jp.      3600    IN      A

;; Query time: 2802 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Oct 08 10:05:00 JST 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 85

[system] interactive mode
> [plan] plan 'www.yanagi.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[resl]   => root priming query
[plan]   plan '.' type 'NS'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: '.' m12n: '.' type: 'NS'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: '.' m12n: 'JP.' type: 'NS'
[iter]   <= referral response, follow
[resl]   => querying: '2001:200:c000::35' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:200:c000::35' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc4::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'

[plan] plan 'www.yanagi.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc4::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc4::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]   <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc2::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'www.yANagi.ne.jp.' type: 'A'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'www.yANagi.ne.jp.' type: 'A'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc4::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc2::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc2::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'wWw.yAnAgI.Ne.Jp.' type: 'A'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'wWw.yAnAgI.Ne.Jp.' type: 'A'
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'wWw.yaNAGi.Ne.jp.' type: 'A'
[iter]   <= referral response, follow

[plan]   plan 'nsas3.firstserver.ne.jp.' type 'AAAA'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]     <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name
[resl]     => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Nsas3.FirStsErVEr.nE.jp.' type: 'AAAA'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Nsas3.FirStsErVEr.nE.jp.' type: 'AAAA'

[plan] plan 'www.yanagi.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[plan]   plan 'nsas3.firstserver.ne.jp.' type 'AAAA'
[resl]     => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:dc2::1' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]     => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]     => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Nsas3.FirSTSErVER.nE.Jp.' type: 'AAAA'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Nsas3.FirSTSErVER.nE.Jp.' type: 'AAAA'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nSas3.FIRsTsErVER.nE.jP.' type: 'AAAA'
[iter]     <= referral response, follow
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'firstserver.ne.jp.' m12n: 'nSas3.firSTSerVer.nE.JP.' type: 'AAAA'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[ pc ]     => answer cached for TTL=180

[plan]   plan 'nsas3.firstserver.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'firstserver.ne.jp.' m12n: 'nSas3.FirstSErVer.NE.JP.' type: 'A'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'yanagi.ne.jp.' m12n: 'wWw.yAnaGi.ne.Jp.' type: 'A'
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[resl] finished: 4, queries: 4, mempool: 32784 B
[resl]     => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]     => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.JP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]     => querying: '2001:240::53' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:502:ad09::5' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:240::53' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'Ne.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]     => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]     => querying: '2001:240::53' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]        optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]     <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'nSAS3.fIrSTServer.NE.jP.' type: 'AAAA'
[iter]     <= referral response, follow
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 50 zone cut: 'firstserver.ne.jp.' m12n: 'NsAS3.fiRstsERVer.ne.jP.' type: 'AAAA'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[ pc ]     => answer cached for TTL=180
[ rc ]   => satisfied from cache
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]   <= cname chain, following

[plan] plan 'mail.yanagi.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[ rc ]   => satisfied from cache
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[resl] finished: 4, queries: 3, mempool: 16392 B
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:240::53' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '2001:2f8:0:100::153' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jp.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => NS unreachable, retrying over TCP
[resl]   => querying: '2001:2f8:0:100::153' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]      optional: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.jP.' type: 'NS'
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'NE.Jp.' type: 'NS'
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]   <= found cut, retrying with non-minimized name
[resl]   => querying: '' score: 36 zone cut: 'jp.' m12n: 'wwW.YanaGI.NE.JP.' type: 'A'
[iter]   <= referral response, follow

[plan]   plan 'nsas4.firstserver.ne.jp.' type 'AAAA'
[resl]     => querying: '' score: 62 zone cut: 'firstserver.ne.jp.' m12n: 'NSas4.FirstserVER.ne.jP.' type: 'AAAA'
[iter]     <= rcode: NOERROR
[ pc ]     => answer cached for TTL=180
[ rc ]   => satisfied from cache
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[iter]   <= cname chain, following
[plan] plan 'mail.yanagi.ne.jp.' type 'A'
[ rc ]   => satisfied from cache
[iter]   <= rcode: NOERROR
[resl] finished: 4, queries: 3, mempool: 16392 B