- そう読める。w だが、これで毒が入れられるだろうか。
どこに問い合せたのか。 おそらくcom NSだろう。
- だとすると、com NS はキャッシュにあるはず。
- なので、少なくともJPRSのいう「委任インジェクション」には該当しない。
-- ToshinoriMaeno 2015-09-23 00:01:47
The Kaminsky attack proceeds by asking a recursive DNS server
- a series of questions, each with a different random prefix, and then sending spoof packets to the server, containing additional records with genuine owner names but invalid data. For example:
Query: Question <nonce>.com A Spoof response: Question <nonce>.com A Authority: com NS ns.evil.com The effect is to inject an invalid record into the cache. Since the ID field in the DNS packet header is only 16 bits, a DNS server that does not deploy any mitigations can be compromised in a matter of seconds.
[ An implementation of the techniques described can accessed at