
3.3. Obtain Authoritative Data

      The idea is to obtain authoritative data for the NS RRset instead
      of using data tacked along on another message.  Care must be taken
      to avoid DoSing parent nameservers, and not break resolution in
      common cases where the NS RRsets in parent and child differ.

      On a referral, the data from the referral may be used to continue
      answering the current query, but it is not stored in the cache.
      If the question equals the referred zone name and has qtype NS,
      then the NS RRset from the referral does get stored in the cache.

      If the question is not that already, a new lookup is performed for
      the referred zone name with qtype NS.  The results from that
      lookup are cached normally.  The lookup has to start at a parent
      of the referred zone, so that a new referral is obtained.

      The upshot is that RFC2181 adherence pins the NS RRset data in the
      cache because it is seen in the answer section, and tacked on data
      from other messages is ignored until the TTL expires.  It should
      be noted that most infrastructure TTLs for NS records are very

      It does not break existing disjoint RRsets, or servers that do not
      answer for qtype NS at all, or servers that are offline, because
      the referral is cached when making the qtype NS query.  This is

      why the qtype NS query has to be made in such a way that it
      elicits a fresh referral from the parent server.  This gives a
      once per TTL opportunity for spoofing the referral.

      The NS RRset answered from the child side of the zone cut
      overrides the NS RRset picked up from the referral.  This causes
      the same data to be used as today, where the authority section NS
      set sent along by the child server overrides the NS set seen from
      the referral.

      Additional queries are sent for this solution.  This increases
      resolver and authority server load and bandwith usage.

      Same idea, like NS query above.  You ask for A or AAAA records
      directly at the authoritative server.  It is not necessary to
      elicit the referral again, the query can be directed at the best

      Additional queries are sent for this solution.  This increases
      resolver and authority server load and bandwith usage.