
3. Common Kinds of Queries That Result in No or Bad Responses

3.1. Basic DNS Queries

3.1.1. Zone Existence

If a zone is delegated to a server, that server should respond to a SOA query for that zone with an SOA record.

Failing to respond at all is always incorrect, regardless of the configuration of the server.

Responding with anything other than an SOA record in the answer section indicates a bad delegation.

3.1.2. Unknown/Unsupported Type Queries

3.1.3. DNS Flags Recursive Queries

3.1.4. Unknown DNS Opcodes

3.1.5. TCP Queries

3.2. EDNS Queries

3.2.1. EDNS Queries: Version Independent

3.2.2. EDNS Queries: Version Specific

3.2.3. EDNS Options

3.2.4. EDNS Flags

=== 3.2.5. Truncated EDNS Responses ===

3.2.6. DO=1 Handling

3.2.7. EDNS over TCP

MoinQ: DNS/RFC/8906/3 (last edited 2020-11-25 00:54:54 by ToshinoriMaeno)