

Making the DNS More Private with QNAME Minimisation Wouter de Vries — 26 Apr 2019 Contributors: Moritz Müller

Measure qmin yourself

You can test whether your resolver supports qmin by querying the domain below, using the command line tool dig, which relies on the same technique:

dig a.b.qnamemin-test.internet.nl TXT

a.b.qnamemin-test.internet.nl. 315 IN   TXT     "HOORAY - QNAME minimisation is enabled on your resolver :)!"

a.b.qnamemin-test.internet.nl. 10 IN    TXT     "NO - QNAME minimisation is NOT enabled on your resolver :("

MoinQ: DNS/qname-minimisation/RIPE (last edited 2020-08-18 03:01:56 by ToshinoriMaeno)