
1. DBL

The Domain Block List (DBL)

The Spamhaus DBL is a list of domain names with poor reputations. It is published in a domain DNSBL format. These domain reputations are calculated from many factors, and maintained in a database which in turn feeds the DBL zone itself.

Who can use the DBL?

The DBL zone is publicly queriable with real-time responses, just like other Spamhaus DNSBL zones. Those running mail server software capable of scanning email headers and message bodies for URIs can use the DBL to identify, classify, or reject mail containing DBL-listed domains. Security professionals and researchers also use domain reputation in their work.

2. How is the list compiled?

The DBL's reputation database is maintained by a dedicated team of specialists using various data from many sources to craft and maintain a large set of rules controlling an automated system that constantly analyses a large portion of the world's email flow and the domains in it.

Most DBL listings occur automatically, although where necessary Spamhaus researchers will add or remove listings manually.

DBL data is exchanged with other Spamhaus systems which can result in further listings in the DBL, or in IP addresses being listed in other Spamhaus zones.

MoinQ: Spamhaus/DBL (last edited 2020-09-07 02:36:46 by ToshinoriMaeno)